Questions and Answers

You said in an ask you had to learn to accept your tastes and…

You said in an ask you had to learn to accept your tastes and that the type of girl you attract isn’t supposed to be fixed, something in those lines.

Is that how you came into being the way you present yourself nowadays? Accepting that you aren’t people’s/ girls fixer? I don’t think you want to have a talk with me for obvious reasons, but I like that. Accepting that you can’t fix them, not the way you seem to have thought at first. I digress… Sorry

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I have been sought out by sexually aberrant and abused girls since I was a very little boy, and for a long time, my understanding of them was that of a child. They were helpless. They were lost. They needed to be protected, from themselves as often as from men.

But with age and experience I learned many things:

  1. Masochists exist.
  2. Emotional masochism is a thing.
  3. Women don’t need saving. They need to be heard.
  4. They’re tougher than I think they are.
  5. Giving a shit matters.
  6. An insult can be about you, or it can be for you. Girls can tell the difference.
  7. A principled action that makes no one happy is not a triumph of character… it’s a failure of principle.
  8. People fix themselves. You can help or hinder, but you can’t do the work.
  9. If everyone keeps telling you that you’re special, stop looking at them like they’re crazy and do something radical… prove them right.
  10. Love is weird. When you’re doing it properly.

And that is how I came to be.