Questions and Answers

I can’t stop touching myself while scrolling your blog. You’ve made me cum so…

I can’t stop touching myself while scrolling your blog. You’ve made me cum so much, thanks dad

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Now look what you’ve done. You’ve made me feel dirty.

Right out here in front of everyone, you’re actually trying to blame me for that… that… thing you did! Who do you think you are? How dare you pretend that your greedy little —ugh, I don’t even want to type it!— was somehow my fault?

This blog wouldn’t do something so wrong-headed and ass-backwards as make you… o-word. Suffice it to say, I would never encourage a girl to shame herself with such counter-productive self-indulgence.

So the next time you fail us both by pursuing your dirty and fleeting satisfaction, I expect you to leave me out of it, you squirming, dripping little freak.