The Gathering: A Retrospective

I only talked about it obliquely during the run-up, but we had out first official Church of Bedtime gathering a couple weeks ago. The Airbnb only had room for three of the girls this time —and we only had a weekend at that— but it was quite successful and satisfying all the same. We will most definitely be doing it again. A lot.

With that said, the result wasn’t much like the dour intensity of The Cult… there was lots of giggling, and joyful crying, and cuddling through the tears. (It was definitely more familial and less an impersonal dissection of intimate trauma.) But there were beatings and wet holes and horny sluts molesting one another for Daddy’s amusement, so it was at least in the psychosexual ballpark.

With that said, if you want to hear the details, be sure to check out the livestream tonight… we’ll be talking about it while I laugh and the girls turn red-faced and squirmy. I might get around to writing it all up at some point, but for now, this is your opportunity to take a peek behind the curtain.