Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting…

Do you ever worry if you have enough mental space for your cult? Getting in every girl’s head so intimately, getting to know every inch of them, can you really keep up with even the ones that catch your eye?



(submitted by: Anonymous)

I used to worry about it all the time! I had a habit of turning girls into boulders and relationships into Sisyphean tasks… I was convinced that feeling continually drained was simply a natural consequence of being everything I am.

But I’ve since learned that if you use them properly, girls don’t drain… they energize. They find the gaps in my life and fill them with devotion, strengthening and amplifying what I am. I become more.

You’d be amazed at what you can do when you let people believe in you.

This is remarkably reassuring. Could you share some tips on how? (Pretty please with sugar on?) I appreciate the question is vague, but what were the most significant lessons you learned on your journey to your current mindset?

I have no idea if any of this is generally applicable, or specific to me. But for what it’s worth:

  • I stopped babying them… they may occasionally have the emotional sophistication of oversized toddlers, but they’re actually grown-ups. So I started setting standards and holding their feet to the flame.
  • I can have all the hunger and desperation I want, so a girl needs to bring a lot more to the table than her need. Guiding these addle-pated little shits through their lives may be my raison d’être, but it’s not a noblesse oblige… they need to make my life better.
  • Group chats and livestreams are useful tools that allow me to interact with the girls as more than a collection of individuals.
  • Nothing beats a physical gathering. Coming together as a congregation and a family deepens everything.
  • I’m into long term things, and if I’m going to bake a bitch into my future, stability is paramount. A messy, chaotic girl may stimulate both my inner sadist and white knight simultaneously, but if she’s going to be more than a passing project, I’ve got to be able to trust that she can take my direction and maintain course without constant supervision.
  • The monitoring I do seems like it would be tiring, but it mostly makes things easier. GPS, cameras, and passwords give me a special insight that can’t be had any other way… I know things about the girls that they don’t know about themselves.
  • Cunts need to hear “no”. Ideally, denial should be their default state… it’s up to them to make “yes” the more appealing option.