
The Love Language of Tears

Of course, I cry when he hurts me – but most times? Most times, I cry when he is gentle… When he scoops me up in his arms and gives me the tightest hug, filled with the most love I’ve ever known. I cry when he says he is proud of me, or that I’ve done well – Words I can’t bare to take from myself; but coming from him, are gospels to be heeded. I cry from how much laughter and happiness he gifts me… It bubbles up inside me like a swelling barometer – until it pours over into tears.

And when confessing my love & gratitude? I cry the biggest tears of all… Because it’s the most sacred truth I have to tell.

I’ve always been a sensitive soul, but he brings meaning to my tears – and even more so, my suffering.

I whipped, slapped, punched, shamed, and mocked all of you little cunts, yet each of you have more vivid memories of the hugs, praise, and laughter.

Which suggests I’m either really bad at the former, or really good at the latter. 😏