Questions and Answers

I started browsing through your blog a week ago or so…

It made me wet and needy and it made me cum like a fountain. I started to ask myself “how do I get this man’s attention?” I was raised to earn the attention of men. It should come easily enough. I read post after post and realized I was slowly losing interest because I like myself too much to stand in line and beg for the attention of a man who so clearly has some issues most professionals wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. Thank you for making me rethink my priorities. Just a sad man who needs fragile women because he can’t earn the affections of a woman who thinks anything of herself. You are the type of man who is fine with saying he painted a portrait when all he did was sign his initials to the bottom of a canvas. Cheap. Easy, no real effort on your part. Mediocre word porn. I’m over men like you. Thank you.


“I started browsing through your blog a week ago or so.”

“I was raised to earn the attention of men. It should come easily enough.”

“No real effort on your part.”

“Mediocre word porn.”

“Thank you.”