
larger than life

When He entered a room, it made my breath catch – every time.

His voice up close sent my stomach tumbling into somersaults.

Feeling the ease of His authority rolling off of Him made my heart flutter.

His effortless command of any room He entered impressed and intimidated me in equal mesure.

His sarcasm, intelligence and quick wit left me feeling like a toddler looking up at my Dad with starry eyes – my Dad, the funniest man alive, the smartest, kindest, the safest and the scariest; He’s my sky, He’s my sun, He’s forever.

And His touch… His touch left me a trembling, aching, mewling creature, forever desperate for more.

I don’t know about “effortless command of any room”. Let’s try this instead: “comfortable command of any room populated by slow-witted fuckholes.”

I’ll cop to that.