Questions and Answers

I am so thankful for you. I’ve followed you for a very long time…

I am so thankful for you. I’ve followed you for a very long time and have never said thank you because I was too intimidated. I love seeing your posts and your girls’ dedication (I follow Blossom, she is lovely). It really brings me joy, which is comforting because I know I could never be enough to throw my hat into the ring.

When I’m scrolling, I know without having to look that the woman on my dash was posted by you, because I apparently just know your type of hot woman after so long and it makes me rub faster knowing that I’m getting to see someone that you thought was hot enough to post. It’s gross. And hot. I see women in public and my first thought is wow, I wish I could show (you, an internet stranger whose name I do not know). My second though is wow, I wish I looked like that so I could be hot enough to be worth putting up with my shortcomings. My third thought is wow, I’m very wet. And then the shame kicks in because here I am objectifying this perfectly normal woman on behalf of a man who doesn’t know I exist. And then I’m wetter.

I think the most distressing part is that I don’t even have particularly poor self-esteem. I’m fat, but I’m pretty and I’m self-aware and kind and I know some day I’ll find a man to submit to and make happy and that will bring me joy. But he will never be you. And that makes my heart hurt. And my cunt wet.

Anyway, this is my confessional. If you’ve read this far, truly, thank you.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Oh, you’re very much welcome, Ms. Feedback Loop. Your confession has cleansed you… or made you dirtier. It’s hard to be sure.

RE: never be enough

My instinct is to tell you to keep your chin up and stop being so fatalistic… you never know what life has in store. But given the stakes, if you suspect you’re not up to snuff, you should probably respect that suspicion. I don’t want a lovely soul like you to wind up trapped in a world she never made.

RE: gross and hot

If it helps, while you’re rubbing yourself to Emma here —and we both know your fingers twitched when you scrolled down here— pause for a moment to consider that I’m quite proud of what you’ve done to yourself in my name.

Good girl.

Now get back to rubbing.

RE: he will never be you

No, he won’t. Doesn’t mean he can’t be a great guy who ticks a lot of boxes and keeps you satisfied. Doesn’t mean he can’t be an amazing life partner who nurtures all the best in you.

But he won’t be exactly right, will he?

That’s okay. The truth is just between us.