Questions and Answers

Would you ever consider a woman you had a child a viable candidate for…

Would you ever consider a woman you had a child a viable candidate for “daughter” if she was willing to leave her life as a mother behind?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

That is quite the little thought experiment. But I have questions.

(For the record, I’m assuming “a woman you had a child” was meant to read “a woman who had a child”.)

  1. Are we talking about a girl putting a baby up for adoption? Or sending an eight year old to live with grandma? Or casting aside a teenager and leaving him with an array of brand new resentments and insecurities that he’ll inflict upon the generations that follow?
  2. Is the father known? Is she abandoning him? Giving him the custody he craves? Pretending he doesn’t exist and changing her name to dodge the inevitable child support warrants?
  3. Is she doing what’s best for everyone, or simply running from one problem to another?

I’ve gotta tell ya, this sounds like a recipe for regret… and regret is the one form of suffering I don’t want to inflict on a cunt. So let’s just say I’d need to hear some amazing answers to those questions.