Questions and Answers

my boyfriend travels a lot for his job. turns out he has multiple girlfriends…

my boyfriend travels a lot for his job. turns out he has multiple girlfriends around the country. not sure how i feel about that, which is what surprises me most. everyone says getting cheated on feels awful, instead i just feel like… i dunno. fine? i guess? is that weird? i feel weird

(submitted by: Anonymous)

You’re not obligated to feel awful. You get to set the standards for your own happiness. “Everyone” can fuck right off… if you feel good about what you have, then “fine” is exactly what it is.

With that said, “turns out” makes me think you discovered this in a shitty way that didn’t include him sitting down and talking to you about his decisions and how they do —and don’t— impact you. He can be a man-slut all he wants, and you can be content with it… but you deserve to find out via adult conversation, not by stumbling over the truth.

Oh, and to be clear? There are worse things than being weird. Weird people are the best.