Questions and Answers

Hi! So, I’m seeing a man who kind of reminds me of you. He’s…

Hi! So, I’m seeing a man who kind of reminds me of you. He’s older, and has several other younger subs. I’m trying to decide if I want him to own me officially. I think I’d be okay with multiple subs, that seems cute. 

But how do the girls deal with it that there’s 1 or 2 obvious favourites? I don’t think I could handle that. I haven’t met my Sir’s other subs yet, and I won’t until he owns me. So I’m scared I will be caught off guard by some being clearly the favorites.

If any of them have tips for jealous and such, I’d gladly hear them! Thank you 🙂 

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’ll start by noting that I met three Tumblr girls a couple months ago, and every week or so since they got home, at least one of them has made a comment along the lines of “the things I miss the most are the things I didn’t expect”.

I tell you this for two reasons:

  1. While it’s possible your guy is indeed reminiscent of me, there are probably tons of differences you can’t detect. So don’t assume my perspective is wholly applicable.
  2. You’re wise to question your assumptions. There’s a lot about him you won’t know until you’re in the room, and you have no idea how you’ll ultimately feel about the full reality of him. It may be better than you’ve ever dreamed, and it may be dramatically worse. Best to prepare now.

Having said that, my random and probably too-specific thoughts follow.

  • I have an obvious —and unquestionable— favorite. I’ve had her for thirty years. She sits atop a mountain of shared experiences no one else can climb. If you’re nice, she’ll even take you to a drive-thru for a Red Bull slushie. And I assure you, she will not be supplanted… anyone who has the slightest problem with that will never make it out of the starting gate with me. If you love me, you love my family, and hope it loves you back.
  • I am no one’s boyfriend. I am their purpose, and my happiness is the evidence of their fulfillment. My affection is a blessing, and my time is precious. Everyone has moments of weakness or stupidity, but persistent jealousy is a clear indication that someone doesn’t understand one of the central themes of her new life:
  • It’s pretty simple: if a girl looks at the others as anything less than teammates with whom she shares wins and losses, she’s already fucking up. If I allow her to be in the room with me while I talk to someone smarter, joke with someone funnier, snuggle with someone cuter, or fuck someone tighter, her primary emotional response should be gratitude for the opportunity to see me smile.
  • Meanwhile, if she’s feeling insecure… she can improve. She’s a living, breathing human, and I mean, sure, she’s a stupid cunt, but she still has a chance every single day to make my life just slightly better. Useful girls always have a place in my world, and I’m sentimental about my tools.
  • I can confirm that it is, in fact, cute.