Questions and Answers

At what age is a “Daddy” kink just tacky and pathetic? I’m 31 now,…

At what age is a “Daddy” kink just tacky and pathetic? I’m 31 now, I’m heathy and look young for my age and I’m small. I take care of myself and I’ve loved Daddy/little play since I was a teenager but since my 30th birthday I’ve struggled with it even though my Daddy is legitimately old enough to be my dad. It just feels sort of disingenuous now that I am not young. He likes when I wear little outfits or when I hold a stuffed animal when he plays with me or things like that but sometimes it almost feels more comical or ridiculous than sexy or playful because in the back of my head I’m thinking “Bitch, you’re 31. There’s no way he’s into seeing a grown ass woman pretend she’s young and hot. He probably thinks you’re old and gross and pathetic.” I am really struggling to get past it and I’m nervous to say anything but I can tell he senses it and I hate it.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Okay, first, you’re conflating a “daddy” kink with a “little girl” kink. They’re frequently fused together via “ddlg”, but that’s not a requirement. There’s no One True Way to do any of this stuff.

Hell, a grown-ass woman can still have a daddy. She can defer to him. Strive for him. Adore him. All without touching a single stuffie or popping in a paci.

Which isn’t to suggest that you need to drop the trappings of little girlhood if they suit you, no matter your age. But if you do feel you’ve outgrown it, you can still have the parts that make you happy. You don’t have to, well… throw the Daddy out with the bathwater.

Also, shut the fuck up with that “old and gross and pathetic” shit. You’re 31, not 81, and he likes you just the way you are.