Questions and Answers

i’m a disaster of a person. i can’t take care of myself at all.…

i’m a disaster of a person. i can’t take care of myself at all. can never hold a job or a place to live for long, relying on sex in order to stay afloat a bit. yet i really really really really want a baby. do you think that might fix me, or is that the worst idea ever? i feel like it is, but also wanting a baby is like my every thought. emotions are stupid

(submitted by: Anonymous)

In no particular order:

  • ”Fixed” isn’t a goal. Your goal is to become self-aware, and learn to compensate for your weaknesses. It’s extremely difficult to be not-you, but becoming a better version of yourself is always within reach.
  • Babies are complications, not solutions. They demand more, not less.
  • ”I’m so happy that mommy was a disaster and my world was chaos,” said no one in therapy, ever.
  • The self-loathing embedded in your question makes me think you’ve given up on self-improvement, and you’re just looking for someone who has no choice but to love you as you are. That’s a common mistake, made by people who confuse the purposes of a baby and a shelter dog named Fluffypants.
  • Emotions aren’t stupid.
  • But ideas often are. And yeah, this is one of them.