Questions and Answers

Hey, I’m sorry to bother you but could you help me?It’s my Daddys birthday…


I’m sorry to bother you but could you help me?

It’s my Daddys birthday in a couple of weeks and as part of his birthday present I’d like to give myself a semi permanent tattoo of something humiliating written on my body, but I’m useless and I can’t think of anything bad enough.

I’ve had “piss drinking whore” on me before, and anything I’m coming up with is too tame. If its legal and degrading we do it, and he likes me to really dig deep.

Thank you 😄

(submitted by: annaphoksa)

Hm. It’s hard to know what will humiliate someone without knowing her well… a good, sploosh-worthy insult is always bespoke.

But here’s my best shot-in-the-dark: pick out the part of your body that makes you the most uncomfortable —the single spot that makes you the most insecure— and shine a spotlight on it. Have the artist describe it with an ornately-rendered word. Tattoo an arrow pointing at it. Make sure it’s the first place he looks when your clothes come off.

That oughta do it.