Questions and Answers

08/12/23 I am meeting with a dom soon, we have been talking for a…


I am meeting with a dom soon, we have been talking for a long time and I am really excited to meet them! I am also really inexperienced, and nervous. I have some ideas of what will be expected of me in his presence, but I also feel like there are some formalities or something that I am going to mess up.

Do you have advice for a shy girl meeting a dom for the first time and is scared to disappoint him? I really want to impress him and be the best girl I can for him. I’m just hoping my inexperience and nerves won’t get in my way. He knows of my experience (or lack there of), but naturally, stupid girl brain thinks I need to be perfect. Especially because he owns three other girls, I don’t want to be the idiot that stands out and disappoints.

As someone I’ve followed for years/look up to. Any advise or words of wisdom or whatever you have to give will mean the world to me.

(submitted by: Anonymous)


  1. If you’re inexperienced, and he knows you’re inexperienced, then you simply must relax. Assuming he’s worth your time, he’ll know that your reactions will be unpredictable, and you’re likely to be as surprised by what works as what doesn’t… just keep your heart in the right place and you’ll be fine.
  2. Shyness is a choice. It’s your brain rejecting the moment, refusing to stay on task, and saying no to opportunity. And while you might make that self-limiting, self-sabotaging choice 99 days out of 100, you can’t make it on the day you meet him. As hard as it may be, you’ve got to admire him more than you disgust yourself.
  3. Striving for perfection is a fine thing, as long as you understand that perfection isn’t a state, it’s a process… an iterative process where the only goal is “better”. Be as good as you can be that day, and resolve to be better the next time. That’s all you have to do. That’s all you can do.
  4. Here’s the thing: the man who owns you should like you. He doesn’t have to love you, or cater to you, or much of anything else, really… but he should be on your team. He should be rooting for your success. He should want to see you do well. If he’s worth a shit, then it’ll be hard for an earnest, good-hearted, inexperienced girl to disappoint him.
  5. You’re sweet. I hope it works out well.