Questions and Answers

Hi Mr B, your dynamic and energy with Blossom is always so comfortable and…

Hi Mr B, your dynamic and energy with Blossom is always so comfortable and seems to be truly loving! 🥰 it always makes me smile, to see you less formal, and be sillier!

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Blossom is a very good girl, and I’m proud of her. And I say this despite recognizing that she’s basically the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man crossed with Patrick Star.

Obviously, I’ve got a soft spot for BFGs, so I look forward to introducing her to her new boyfriend in a couple months… he’s shy, but he’s all puckered up and awaiting her deep, soulful kiss. I think it’s going to work out for them, if she’s prepared to really explore his inner world and accept his unusual tastes.

As for being less formal… among the gifts I’ve received for International Bedtime Month is a set of teddy bear ears. Something like this:

Please note that I was pleasedadpleasedadpleasedadded into donning them during a stream last week.

So I don’t think it’s possible for me to get much sillier.