Questions and Answers

of course you’re tall. tall guys are so hot. i’m 5’1″ so i really…

of course you’re tall. tall guys are so hot. i’m 5’1″ so i really like the size difference. not sure why just do

I don’t consider myself “tall”. Tall people are 6’3”+… I’m just a full-grown man.

I’m tall enough to see over crowds, not tall enough to dunk. Tall enough to kiss the top of a tall girl’s head. Tall enough to reach the high shelf. Tall enough for people to generally leave me the fuck alone.

But I grew up around an uncle who was 6’6”, and I know what tall really looks like. It was instructive, too… I was always aware of how he loomed over me, existing at a a weirdly intrusive scale, yet the distance between me and him is less than the distance between me and the average woman. At some point, I figured out, “wow, I give dozens of women the same feeling every day, just walking through the world.”

It was an eye-opener, lemme tell ya.