Questions and Answers

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

how can i make myself more attractive for older man? phisically and mentally

(submitted by: m1nd0fm1ne)

Older men don’t comprise a monolithic hive-mind. I know this corner of Kinkville loves talking about people as if they all slot into convenient, easily described groups —all small, weak girls are X, all big, strong men are Y!— but that’s just not how the world works.

I mean, if you’re only looking to be used up and discarded by some random dude twice your age, fine… be fragile, wear bows in your hair, and forget you ever heard the word “no”. Someone will eventually seize the opportunity you present.

But if you want to actually be a better girl for someone of substance? Find him first, figure out what he needs, and work to become such.

Bespoke girls are the best.