Questions and Answers

the record shop i used to hang out in to meet dads to get…

the record shop i used to hang out in to meet dads to get babysitting gigs (and to fuck them, obv) closed down. i am at a loss for where to hang out now. i was thinking maybe like a fishing store or whatever but worms are gross. no thanks. got any ideas?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

The last time I had a sexual encounter with a babysitter, it was 1980 and she was babysitting me.

Meanwhile, I’m trying to imagine what kind of shitty dad is letting a rando he met at Vinny V’s Vinyl Vault & Vaporium have access to his kids… I’m guessing he’d have to be a walking STD incubation unit who’s going to be losing custody as soon as his ex finds out about his incredibly coarse screening process.

As for a “fishing store”, you’re thinking too small: