Questions and Answers

Is there such a thing as owning too many girls? Will you ever stop…

Is there such a thing as owning too many girls? Will you ever stop collecting new ones?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Numerous thoughts:

  1. You ask this as if I choose their number… as if they don’t come to me in isolation, and in waves, and in seasons I cannot foresee. They are many, not because of my needs, but because of theirs.
  2. If a girl is wrong for me —if she neither fits nor fathoms her place in my life— then even one is too many. If a girl is devoted to me —if she recognizes my happiness as the central purpose of her existence— then there can never be enough.
  3. Ownership is a bigger, more complicated thing than most people imagine. Yes, I own the girls who kiss my hand, ride my cock, eat my cum, bleed for me, and give me their credit cards and house keys. I’ve claimed them. They are parts of my life. But I also own girls who don’t know my name, have never seen my face, and may never feel the touch my hand. Girls I barely know, who build shrines to me and make bibles from my thoughts. Girls who dedicate their lives to being the kind of cunt I might notice. I haven’t claimed them, but I am very much a part of their lives. They’re faithful not because I call them “mine”, but because I am the substance of their faith.
  4. There are limits to my emotional bandwidth, limits on my time, limits of focus and necessity… I can’t be physically or emotionally present for everyone, in every needful moment. Those who are suited to life in my gravity well can appreciate both the toll it takes on me, and the challenges it creates… honestly, nothing makes me prouder than when one of the girls uses her fraction of my time to tell me that someone else needs me more than she does. (That’s serious Good Girl shit, right there, and does not go unnoticed.)
  5. I’ll stop collecting them when parents stop making them, when the world stops twisting them, and when shitty men stop letting them down.
  6. TL;DR: pretty much never.