Questions and Answers

Im scared of how much of my heart feels like it already belongs to…

Im scared of how much of my heart feels like it already belongs to you. I feel like I dont have control over who is in possession and it’s scary. But as long as it’s you I don’t know if I want or need it back.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Don’t be scared, sweetie.

I mean, no question, there’s plenty to be scared about… after all, my words on a screen and my voice in your ear are all it takes to steal your soul. If you somehow manage to find a place with me, your future will be one of surrender, sacrifice, and servitude. If you don’t, you’ve already ensured that your life will be spent yearning for traces of me in the frustrating touch and inane babble of every man who catches your weary attention.

But still… don’t be scared.

First, because at least you’ve managed to lose yourself to a man you can respect.

Second, even if your love is fruitless, it’s still a living thing I put inside you.

Third, because I said so.