Questions and Answers

Hello Sir! May I ask if you can explain the difference between ‘brats’ and…

Hello Sir! May I ask if you can explain the difference between ‘brats’ and your girls? They all seem (at times) very…. Spirited? Headstrong? Sassy? one of them even occasionally bordering on belligerent 😅 what’s the difference? I guess I envision brats as all of those things, and if I did not know you did not like brats I would assume that you did based on them. No disrespect, I am truly wondering where the line is for you?

(I don’t want to define other folks’ kinks for them, so note that I’m speaking only in terms of my needs and tastes.)

Brats don’t ask; they provoke. Brats say “no”, hoping they’ll be ignored. Brats don’t want to give; they want to be taken. Brats fight so they can surrender. A brat is a prize waiting to be won.

I’m actively turned off by all of that, and thus none of my girls are even remotely bratty with me.

Yes, the girls love and bully and wrestle and groom and hump and squabble with one another like puppies at the dog park. I work to bring the cruelty out in the sweet ones, the sweetness out in the cunts, and then sit back and watch them play. But how they relate to one another says nothing about how they relate to me.

They are whatever suits me, each according to her means.