Questions and Answers

A guy I’ve been talking to for awhile called me and put me into…

A guy I’ve been talking to for awhile called me and put me into sub space and made me call him Daddy. Then hung up as soon as he came and now I just feel upset, alone and silly. Why don’t they realise how important the aftercare is 😔

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Chances are, nothing you experienced on that call was real to him. I can’t even infer his take on aftercare from the episode, because it’s likely that, to him, there was nothing to care about. You spoke your lines and hit your marks, he went through his schtick, everyone masturbated, and he was off to have lunch.

It’s entirely possible he’s a disinterested, shitty dom, but it’s also possible he’s just a selfish dork who can’t even imagine that you were seriously in subspace. Kink terminology has been around long enough now for lots of guys to know how to chant the right keywords and strike the right poses, and assume you’re doing the same thing.