Questions and Answers

Wow reading through your stuff makes me kind of wish I was the kind…

Wow reading through your stuff makes me kind of wish I was the kind of girl you’d like. I’m not a skinny model type. But everything you say solidifies in my mind that you’re an experienced Dom and you know what you’re doing and that makes me wet.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

In order:

  • The kind of girl I’d like is the kind who knows she will never be exactly what I want, and thus will devote her life to diligently improving all she has and thoroughly compensating for all she lacks.
  • Pretty girls can jump the line, but a nice ass won’t get anyone through the door.
  • I don’t think of myself as “an experienced Dom”, but whatever I am, I’ve been working at it and writing about it since 1993.
  • I learn something new every day, but yeah, within my sphere, I know what I’m doing. I’m even pretty good at it, when the stars align.
  • You poor thing. The bar is so low that longevity and competence are enough to humidify your panties… I’m sorry men are so disappointing. But don’t worry, kiddo, you’re always welcome to hang around here and “kind of wish” your brains out.