What is your fav way to serve your Daddy?

What is your fav way to serve your Daddy?


oh.. hm. MY fav? i haven’t really thought abt that

i like making Him laugh 🙇‍♀️ i like making His day a lil better when i can. i like when i can help to improve His happiness, state of mind, general well-being.

we want Him happy and healthy and if that’s accomplished then i’m pleased as punch

  1. She knows exactly which stupid, infantile Snapchat filter will crack me up every time. It’s like Iverson’s crossover… her go-to move.
  2. She’s actually grown into quite the little servant. When she was nineteen and first started sniffing around me like an oversized puppy —Odette?— she was a mess. A sweet mess, but still… yeesh. Today, as a Fully Grown Woman, she is remarkably self-aware and eager to ease my burdens. It’s quite impressive, even with the paci in her mouth, bear ears on her head, and a baby bottle in her hand.