Questions and Answers

how old are you? or do you not share? there’s so much to comb…

how old are you? or do you not share? there’s so much to comb through with your blog i feel like i’m drowning in information. i mean, sexy information, and very well worded information, but drowning is drowning.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

This particular blog will have its 10th birthday in a couple months, but I’ve been writing about kinky sex for over 30 years now. When it comes to drowning you in information, you‘ve got cement blocks tied to your ankles and my back-catalog is the Mariana Trench.

As for how old I am: the first time a girl crossed the country to let me beat and fuck her, Friends hadn’t yet premiered, no one knew what a “Kato Kaelin” was, and Kurt Cobain was still swearing that he didn’t have a gun.