Questions and Answers

I like a guy and so far all we have done is make brief…

I like a guy and so far all we have done is make brief moments of eye contact before I look away or smile.

I used to be the girl that always asked or initiated first, but since I accepted I’m not really that girl, I have felt more comfortable.

My question is what are ways I can reel him in or open myself up to him? I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to show my body off in front of him or try to be physically closer to him/directly flirt and speak with him. Or should I just keep smiling and acting…normal?

I haven’t really liked someone since my first boyfriend and you always have an answer for everyone, so I hope you can help me 🙂

(submitted by: softpearl)

I am totally the wrong person to answer this question, given that I am pretty exclusively interested in the “always asked or initiated” type. If a girl wants me to hear her, she can speak up. If she wants my time, she’ll beg for it. If she wants to make a sacrifice, she can strap herself to the stone.

With that said, when I was younger and less restrained, I recall enjoying the company of chicks who were instinctively comfortable when discussing sexuality. The best first-conversation I ever had was with an older woman who immediately launched into a detailed description of the rape scene in the original I Spit On Your Grave, before veering into a more general pondering of exciting perversions. I fell in love with her that day.

I had a similarly revealing —if far less momentous— talk with a younger woman a decade later. We spent a few hours on a couch, absentmindedly playing Wii Sports while she told me about her degree in criminal psychology, and we traded stories of sex crimes like sports fans debating Wilt vs. Shaq. It led to us laying out our respective kinks, which is about as naked as two people can get with their clothes on. She wanted to move upstairs, but she was going home that evening, and I’ve never been into one-time things.

So if your guy is anything like me, I guess it would help if you were to spontaneously offer him intimacy.

And if he’s not? I dunno. Smile a lot and listen intently when he talks… it’s worth a shot.