Questions and Answers

What do you do with unanswered asks? Do you delete them? Let them sit…

What do you do with unanswered asks? Do you delete them? Let them sit in your inbox? Jerk off to some of them and keep them for your eyes only?


  • I don’t do anything with them. They just sit there. I delete the occasional duplicate or troll-ask… but my inbox stretches from 2014 to 2024.
  • I occasionally get bored and scroll back to answer old stuff… I responded to some asks from 2019 in 2023. And I answered something from 2014 in 2020, I think.
  • I do hold on to handful of them for sentimental reasons… for example, there’s a couple asks that Glowbug sent in 2016, before she finally caught my attention. We didn’t have DMs on Tumblr back in the day, so there’s some private communication buried in there.
  • I’ve received a few submissions that were very pretty —waving at reapkink, wherever she is today— but nothing that ever inspired me to jerk off. One-off interactions don’t excite me that way.