Questions and Answers

I love your blog. Ive never been to any of your streams because im…

I love your blog. Ive never been to any of your streams because im not sure i could handle it. Something about me is i tend to fall hard and fast, more often than not for men who don’t give a fuck and don’t feel the same.

I see all these girls who’ve let themselves fall at your feet and i wanna be like them…i dont…i do….i dont know.

I want you but i want you to want me and i know that wont happen.

(submitted by: Anonymous)

Thank you, sweet person!

It should be noted that being “like them” isn’t a prerequisite for joining the stream… if you just want to unobtrusively fangirl, you’re quite welcome. We’re just trying to have fun, so take a seat in one of the back pews and enjoy the show.

But beyond that…? First, pause to consider that there’s a big gulf between “don’t give a fuck” and “don’t feel the same”. A man’s failure to meet your expectations doesn’t mean he doesn’t care… don’t confuse a dick with a disappointment, even when they look similar.

Second —and more importantly— you need to grasp that a desire for me to “feel the same” isn’t merely hoping for a thing that won’t happen… it betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of what I am, and what this is. And perhaps what you are.

I adore my dog and I’d lose my mind if someone hurt him, but I’m the hub at the center of his world… I don’t feel about him the way he feels about me. An orca and a remora can have a mutually-beneficial relationship, but it will never be symmetrical. You can worship the sun for the warmth and energy it provides, but those provisions are artifacts of its existence, not gifts bestowed. We are simply not the same.

To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be wanted; as with anything that makes you happy, I hope you find it. But you’ll know you’re ready for me the day you realize that what you want more than anything else is a purpose. The day you realize I’m not a dispenser of attention, but your reason for being.

That’s when you’ll say “I do.”