Questions and Answers

Some older people are against nonbinary as an identity/they pronouns. Do you agree? What’s your opinion if not?

Why would I be against whatever the fuck someone else wants to do with, er… themselves? It’s none of my business.

I mean, sure, it’s annoying, having to deal with someone’s pronoun changes and the resulting linguistic awkwardness… but is it more annoying that having to remember that Susanne in the next cubicle used to be Ms. Anderson but she decided to put on a magic ring and now she’s Mrs. Felton? If I can endure that for someone’s sure-to-end-soon marriage, I can do it for someone’s meandering gender identification. If I slip up and “she” someone who wants to be “they”, I expect the same procedure I’d face if I accidentally drop a “miss” instead of “missus”… which is to say, “Oops, sorry,” followed by “Heh, thanks, no sweat” and the day proceeding as it otherwise would.

Yes, there is a Jerry Seinfeld inside me, who chafes at the idea of calling Bob Cobb “Maestro”. But if someone’s pronouns/honorifics/names/hairstyles irritate me, that means it’s time to avoid that person and do my own thing, not insist said person change what they’re doing.

Other People just aren’t that important. If you’re in my tribe of intimacy, I care what you do and think and present… if you’re not, you’re outside the scope of my concerns. Carry on, my wayward son/daughter/child.

If you’re happy, I’m happy. If you’re bummed, I’ll try not to contribute to it. Stay out of my shit, and I’ll stay out of yours. The end.