Questions and Answers

I have weird feelings for you. Feelings i don’t totally understand. I dont call…

I have weird feelings for you. Feelings i don’t totally understand.

I dont call men i dont know daddy because it just means too much to me emotionally. And honestly, even if i did, you dont really feel like daddy.

But i jump at the chance to “interact” with you. Even if that means sitting quietly in the background while you stream. Falling asleep to you rambling.

Its parasocial as fuck, but im starting to see how you can refer to yourself as a god. Something to be worshipped. Adored from afar.

Idk, im sure i had a point but im not sure what it was

At this point, I feel like girls should just introduce themselves with “Hi, I have weird feelings for you.”

There is a contingent of girls who insist I don’t feel like Daddy, that I’m both more meaningful and more distant. Eventually, they all end up calling me Daddy.

I refer to myself as a god, but not in the invisible, omnipotent sky-daddy sense. I’m a god cobbled together from antlers and pelts, that presides over its debauched supplicants and gives physical form to their dreams.

And don’t worry, it looks like your point was evolving.

(See? What’d I tell ya?)

Smart girl… best not to fuck around with things you barely understand, things that can swallow you whole. Take your time, and remember that adopting a new faith is a major decision that’s not to be rushed.

But to be clear: you don’t love-it-but-hate-it. You fear it. You fear what you’ve found, both in the space around me and the space inside you. You fear what this says about you, and what it means about me. You fear that at this rate, you’re a couple weeks away from offering me your immortal soul in return for my indifference. You fear that this is the lengthiest interaction we’ve had —amounting to little more than nothing— and you’re still going to read it twenty times, scarcely aware of how much smaller you feel with each perusal.

Like I said… smart girl.

Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you come looking.