Questions and Answers

What are the benefits of having cameras in your girls homes?

I’ve probably answered this before, but whatever. Here’s the summary: LDRs suck, especially for submissive girls.

Now to be more precise…

  • Did she fall asleep on the couch or put herself to bed? Did she clean up the kitchen after dinner? Is she working or scrolling? Did she remember to do the laundry, because she’s got that thing tomorrow? How’s she gonna decide which boots to return? How’s she supposed to get back to sleep after a nightmare if someone isn’t watching for monsters coming down the hall? The answer to all these questions involves me opening a camera app and checking on her.
  • Don’t underestimate the value of presence. The camera’s speaker allows me to independently project my voice into her space. She doesn’t have to open an app or press a button or take any volitional action… I’m just there, hanging in the air. Just as importantly, I get to see the secret smiles and unexpected tears and awkward moments as if I were a fixture around the house… I know the faces she makes when she’s making faces just for herself.
  • It makes a girl feel safe. Ninety-five percent of the time, I’m like a dad poking his head in the door of his daughter’s bedroom, just to check on her and say “good job” or “good night”. Granted, the other five percent of the time I’m still like a dad poking his head in the door of his daughter’s bedroom, only now there’s some… lingering. And pantslessness. The point is, she doesn’t feel alone.
  • Safe… except when I startle her by suddenly speaking when she doesn’t know I’m looking. The reactions range from the classic deer-in-headlights, to horrified embarrassment, to some straight up Bugs Bunny shit… she leaps up, arms splayed in a panicked parody of self-defense, her hair standing on end, and she proceeds to hover in mid-air for longer than the laws of physics allow before collapsing like a sack of potatoes on the floor. (And then has the gall to wonder why I don’t take her seriously as an adult. You’re a fucking cartoon, you little freak.)
  • I don’t have to ask if she’s been going to the gym.
  • Seeing her face light up when she gets a message from you is one of the best “I love you”s that one can receive.
  • I’m a cheap pet-sitter and occasional alarm clock.
  • No, you are not going out dressed like that, young lady.

I could go on for a while… there’s a lot.

It feels like a hug when you’re far away. That’s the gist.