Questions and Answers

You told anon she could heal as long as she gave up the things that have made her wet; do you truly think liking the things we like makes us worse? Or bad? Or broken?

My take on the anon’s question is that she was distressed by her urges, and considered them to be part of something that needed healing. And I wanted her to know that yes, she can live a different life if that’s what she wants. She shouldn’t feel trapped by her kinks unless her kink is for triggering traps.

Aside from that… “the things we like” encompass a whole lotta stuff, and “we” adds up to a whole lotta people. For some folks, doing X will indeed make them worse. For some folks, doing X will bring them greater fulfillment than anything they’ve ever known.

Some of us can eat peanuts without dying, while some of us can’t. Some of us can smoke weed and laugh, while some of us get paranoid. Some of us can free-solo up a cliff face, and some of us trip over cracks in the sidewalk. “Bad” is determined by individual capabilities and circumstances, not activities.