Questions and Answers

When you say “no jail” do you mean “dont get caught” or “dont commit any crimes”?

I mean “don’t be reckless”.

We’re going to occasionally speed on a road trip. We’re going to eat weed gummies in places where weed gummies are unwelcome. We’re going to seek appropriate female reproductive services, no matter what some hick with a dick in a state legislature might say. Puddles is going to pee on the side of the road because her bladder is a squishy thimble, public indecency be damned. And so on.

So we’re going to be careful and judicious about speeding, we’re not gonna get high and drive, we’re gonna avoid accidents, and we’ll use the car doors to keep anyone from having to see The Pud pop a squat next to a highway. And so on.

Again, it boils down to “respect risks, and take them wisely”.