Questions and Answers

Do you have any suggestions for a sub who enjoys the eroticism of submissive…

Do you have any suggestions for a sub who enjoys the eroticism of submissive positions (kneeling, hands and knees, etc) but is limited by their physical capabilities? (I have arthritis and it hurts 😓)

I don’t have arthritis —yet 😐— so I’m not sure… are knee pads any help? Or is it pressure in general that hurts?

And while I’m thinking about it, y’know what’s more submissive than kneeling? Prostration.

Get all the way down there and become one with the floor. Lick the soles of someone’s shoes. Roll over on your back, open your mouth, and wait for the cum —or whatever— to rain down on you. Give someone a place to rest their feet. Squirm and slither from room to room like a fucking worm.

There’s plenty of ways to be lowly without using your knees.