Questions and Answers

The way you present your life is hilarious. Do people really believe that you…

The way you present your life is hilarious. Do people really believe that you have dozens of girls who fuck you and do everything you want and you have the time to ethically deal with all of them?

(submitted by: Anonymous)

I’m glad I’ve brought you such hilarity, given the apparent paucity of your imagination and your inability to recognize that your woeful limitations are yours alone. I figure you need a chuckle.

As for your thought-provoking questions:

  1. I doubt anyone thinks dozens of girls fuck me, because I’ve never claimed such. Dozens of girls want to fuck me, sure, but there’s only six right now who get to touch me.
  2. “Do everything [I] want”? Psh. They don’t even get close. Each of them came fully equipped from the factory with an array of weaknesses, fears, and limitations that will undoubtedly conspire to keep such complete satisfaction permanently beyond my reach. But I like watching them try, and that’s what matters.
  3. As for time, let me introduce you to a little concept called “delegation”. Also —and I cannot overstate this— a whole lotta denial makes a little bit of indulgence feel very good indeed.

As for dealing with them… our third Gathering is next month. For nine days, butts will bleed, tears will fall, shoes will be humped, precious bodily fluids will be consumed, someone will probably get fingered in a cemetery, I will eat too much andouille, and they will stare at my wholly uninteresting self for hours on end and wonder how they were lucky enough to live such moments.

Because here’s the secret, champ: I don’t have to be special to you, nor even to me. I’m special to them.

And that’s enough.