Questions and Answers

are you intimidated by women you consider more sexually experienced than yourself (Whether it be more partners, more experiences, kinkier, whatever) and why?

Sexual experience isn’t the kind of thing that would intimidate me. First, because most girls I’ve known have been far bigger sluts than I’ll ever be… I’m gettable, but the getting ain’t easy. Second, because the things submissive girls are good at are only impressive in an academic way… I’m impressed that a cat can lick itself, but I’m not in awe.

With that said, I’m sure there are dominant, experienced women out there who could intimidate me on some level. But the nice thing about dominant, experienced women is that when they sense you’re not into them, they don’t act like entitled douchebags and instead behave like normal people, so intimidation never becomes a factor.

Cool how that works.