Questions and Answers

I’m intrigued by your blog in many ways, of course, but something I’ve always wondered is what you’re like outside this? Are you cold & intimidating? Are you really a ‘cranky old man’? Or are you actually really sweet to your family & friends, maybe you have a dog & a nice house & nobody would suspect what your secret thoughts are like? Or maybe, they aren’t secret at all & your sadism can be smelled a mile away by people with noses like mine. I think that’s the option that intrigues me most..

  • “Are you cold & intimidating?” Nope & depends on the context.
  • “Are you really a cranky old man?” Or a pompous moldering asshole. Take your pick.
  • “Or are you actually…” I’m polite to people and try to treat them the way I’d like to be treated. Dogs, meanwhile, get treated like visiting royalty. (Because they are.)
  • “Nobody would suspect…” I look —and behave in public— like your boring uncle Gary. (In private, I’m more like Uncle Gary after he’s had a few drinks and everyone else is asleep.)
  • “Your sadism can be smelled a mile away…” By civilians? Nah. By a broken little cunt? 100% of the time.