Stories and Captions

Into The Woods

Here’s how you properly take a whore into the woods:

  1. Go at night, dusk at the earliest. Also, stick to springtime; you want lots of forest noises.
  2. Strip your bitch down, tie her to the tree, and blindfold her.
  3. Tell her you’re going back to the car for something, or you’re just bored with her and want a nap.
  4. Circle back and flank her from a distance, gathering a couple handfuls of large rocks.
  5. Begin throwing the rocks into the woods opposite of your last known location. If you’re ambitious, try distributing the rocks so that something seems to be moving closer to her.
  6. Slowly approach her, taking care to ensure that you’re making more noise with the rocks than your feet.
  7. Once you’re in range, grab a fistful of her hair and growl at her.

The scream will be epic. Trust me.