Broken Girl Media

Cherry & I Care A Lot

Cherry is incredibly well-acted and beautifully made… it’s unfortunate that its alternate title could be 500 Days of Full Metal Jacket. Both the Russos and Tom Holland have now ably demonstrated their range, and someday I hope they collaborate on a movie that isn’t a retread with an unearned ending.

(Loved Ciara Bravo’s neck-ribbon, though.)

I Care A Lot’s plot revolves around one of the most horrifyingly common and shameful practices in the American health and legal systems. I hope it raises awareness and saves a few families from the predations of vile people.

But that doesn’t stop the movie from being evil fucking fun. In fact, Hollywood needs to have a cottage industry devoted entirely to making Rosamund Pike Vehicles. Just movie after movie, built around one coldly calculating monster of a character after another. The joy she takes in embodying feminine amorality is palpable. You can almost see it in her eyes sometimes: “I’m a woman and they’re going to let me get away with being this fist-pumpingly depraved… isn’t it grand?

And it is.