Questions and Answers

One of your photos on the blog was James Spader (I think in pretty in pink)…

I wondered why and was it something about his character you identify with? If so thank you for validating my attraction to his pervy arrogance

It is indeed Spader, but not as Steff from Pretty In Pink; that’s Graham from Sex, Lies & Videotape, Steven Soderbergh’s first —and best— film. 

Do I identify with him? In terms of his underlying motivations, no… but in how he chooses to process his shit by blurring life, art, and sex into a single creepy-hot, fucked-up thing that infects the psyche of every woman he encounters? 

…a bit.

It’s more than just Graham, though. Honestly, my personality is all of these guys, stacked on top of one another: