Questions and Answers

when you are in a relationship with a girl, are there things that are off limits…

…or is that a deal breaker? not to make things about myself but more as an example, i have/am recovering from an eating disorder and i know that comments about my weight and my body would really ruin my mental health. do you let girls tell you if something goes too far or if there’s something that they don’t want you to touch on at all? anyways i’m obsessed w your blog and in love with you, have a good day <3

First of all, let’s make it clear that you get to have whatever boundaries you need. The first rule of Kink Club isn’t “aftercare is automatic” or “consent is a necessity” or whatever… it’s Protect The Property. If you know your brain or body are fragile structures made of brittle, dry timber, then you have a responsibility to avoid pyromaniacs and make sure everyone else knows to be extra-careful when striking matches around you.

With that said, I wouldn’t recommend that anyone on a precarious perch sing out in my direction. The kind of girl who’s happiest with me wants me to dig my fingers into her tender spots and knead until she squeals… she’s been to the bad places all alone, and now she’d like a guided tour with someone who really knows how to tell the tale of the terrain.

In your hypothetical case, I’d be worried about how you’d feel, being in proximity to things that are out of bounds. I’ve got a few girls who desperately crave having those buttons pushed, after all… what would that do to your head, knowing I’m crossing that line with others? If you’re competitive, you might feel compelled to push yourself, too. If you identify with them, you might grow to distrust me. It’s worth considering that being mindfuck-adjacent can be a challenge of its own.