Questions and Answers

what’s the most unusal place you’ve ever received oral? Given?

Probably the first blowjob I received, which took place between rows of boxed exercise equipment and inflatable pools in a discount store’s merchandise storage area.

Back in those days, I was a one-man Sexual Indiscretion In The Workplace demo reel; basically, ever single sexualized thing that you aren’t supposed to do at work, I did, daily and with gusto. But because I have a way of making people comfortable with uncomfortable things, my older female co-workers and even the HR lady openly encouraged me.

(Bored, married women are the most sexually adventurous people alive.)

In retrospect, I’m just glad I was one of the few men working there at the time, and the only young one… seeing me get away with wildly inappropriate stuff without understanding why I was getting away with it would have sent the wrong message to any young guys in the room.