Questions and Answers

Well , I’m happy to see how much of a fucked up a grandpa like you is…

You sound like that grumpy old person who walks around Acting like a boss and thinks he can control people or make them fall for him. But when at home he knows exactly who he really is 😉

Are you okay? I know you’re probably pretty frustrated with life right now —we all are, but the weight isn’t distributed evenly— and seeing someone possess things that are beyond your reach just makes it worse, so naturally you felt you had no choice but to treat me to this incoherent spew of snarky gibberish. But that little thrill of lashing out only lasts a moment, and then you’re gonna crash back into your reality.

Don’t put yourself through that, and more importantly, don’t do it to anyone else. I’m an unsympathetic target, so it feels okay to be a dick to me… but eventually you’re gonna be a dick to someone you can actually hurt.

And I’ll have you know I am at most “dad’s older brother”, not “grandpa”.