Questions and Answers

I’m at work and the bar is so dead today ive been scrolling through your blog. I’m so squirmy 🙈I can’t wait for my shift to end so I can edge myself stupid

The first time I made a girl squirm at work was 1990. She was fifteen years my senior, and had a husband in prison. She’d been flirting with me for quite some time, and I guess I was feeling bold.

I came up behind her while she was standing in front of a low wall, talking to a couple of our co-workers on the opposite side. They could only see us from the shoulders up, so I put my hands on her hips while joining the conversation.

She pushed back against me, and being young and eager, I started getting hard. That made her push back more. As we amiably chatted about the new computer system and how it printed invoices, I tightened my grip and began grinding on her. Her face turned red, but no one noticed.

I bunched her skirt in my fingers, pulling it up in the back, and baring her panties. I hadn’t taken such liberties with her up to that point, so we were both surprised when my free hand began groping her ass. She was having trouble talking, so I had to take over the conversation to keep her from giving it away.

Unfortunately, my boss walked around the corner and I had to step away. Which I did without a word or a backward glance… I just left her there, wet and disheveled and feeling like a slut. We met up later in a storage room and made out a little before I sent her back to her counter, but it wasn’t as hot as molesting her in public.

Shortly thereafter her teenaged son got in trouble with the law and her husband was released on parole, so she had a lot on her mind and we didn’t get to play around much anymore; I became bored and moved on to the next older woman. But I was always fond of her, and whenever I stood behind her in a meeting, she’d lean her shoulders back against me and sigh a wistful sigh.