Questions and Answers

are you really the emotionally unavailable and rather vulturous human being you portray yourself as in real life?

  1. Oh my God… “emotionally unavailable” sounds kind of awesome! I wouldn’t know how to do it —that’s pretty much the opposite of what I am— but it would make my life far less exhausting. Turns out, being a primary pillar in the emotional support structure of a bunch of sad, isolated people during a global pandemic is not an easy gig. I’ve been scrambling for the last year to be what they need me to be —I’m their purpose, as they are mine— while keeping myself from joining them in a depressive spiral. (Results have been thus far mixed.)
  2. Vulturous? Hate to ruin it for ya, champ, but I’m here to summon Lazarus from the tomb, not feast upon the remains.
  3. My portrayal and your unimaginative and incurious misinterpretation of it are very different things. But that’s okay… you’re not here for me, and I’m most definitely not here for you.