Questions and Answers

how do we get your attention if we’re not stick thin like the girls you reblog? 👀

Peanut is indeed small, but no one else in my immediate orbit can say the same. And even she didn’t get attention by being skinny, ‘cause I’d known her for ages before I got a good look at her.

I’ve had more— what’s a better word than “non-sticks”? Trunks? Trunks. I’ve had more trunks than sticks over the years. There have been a couple of lovely branches who looked like sticks from certain angles, but nothing particularly twiggy.

Turns out that a hot little ass can help cut the line, but good girls are better than their bodies.

You get attention by being interesting and patient and bringing something to the table that I’m not getting from someone else. I’ll be honest, I need to enjoy looking at your face, but my taste in body types can be as flexible as your dignity is absent and your devotion is endless.