Questions and Answers

If he doesn’t want me anymore, where do I go next?

Depends on what kind of “he” we’re talking about.

If he’s your boyfriend, go get a new one. Boyfriends are like dimes… drop one today, you’ll find a slightly dirtier one resting on a curb tomorrow. Or forego boyfriends entirely and try becoming a more complete, contented version of yourself… it’s a million-to-one shot, but it just might work.

If he’s your partner, take some time to look clearly at yourself and the relationship, and figure out what went wrong with both. Then make thoughtful, purposeful decisions about the next man you meet. Don’t rush it, and try to stay open to possibility.

If he’s like me, well… let’s be honest, you’re not going anywhere. You’ll accept that he’s all you’ll ever want, and your life is better spent worshipping him from a distance than not at all. If you’re pleasant and unobtrusive, he might even let you hang around long enough for you to become useful again.

Won’t that be nice?