Questions and Answers

Isn’t it like weird and creepy that my boyfriend gets horny when I talk about my anorexia…

…or when i faint at the gym and stuff. Like are all.guys like this?!

Ps he is my frist boyfriend

I was about to wonder why you’re asking me about a first boyfriend problem, and then I thought about it… if you ask a creepy guy, maybe he’ll bullshit you and tell you it’s normal. That might make it easier to take.

But I’m afraid it’s exactly as weird and creepy as it feels to you. It doesn’t matter what he does or doesn’t get out of it… you’re allowed to be icked by someone sexualizing something deeply personal and adversarial to your health.

This clearly isn’t something you want from him, it doesn’t seem to have been discussed at all, you don’t appear to be joining him in eroticizing your ED, and to top it off, your physical health sounds tenuous. You pretty much tick every box on a “Maybe This Is A Bad Idea” checklist. If by some chance he’s not weird and creepy, he would need to have one hell of a well thought out explanation for why this feels okay to him.

A warning in advance: whatever explanation you get will not impress. Prepare to respond accordingly.