Questions and Answers person taking a photo using iphone

Hello there, hope I am not disturbing. I am lost and really need some…

(submitted by: @Anonymous)

Hello there, hope I am not disturbing. I am lost and really need some advice about an issue

So I have a daddy and we have been talking/playing for almost two years now. We do phone calls, video calls. But no matter what I have said or done he never lets me see him. His face or his body. Nothing. While he has seen all over me including my face and I even let him save my pictures in our chat. It makes me really sad and worthless. I told him this too but I guess that is his limit. Which leaves me confused about forcing this thing or not.. I really enjoy talking to him except this problem and I would miss him. Do you think this is a healthy dynamic? (Also our sexual plays don’t include humiliation or anything like that)

Thanks for your response in advance, and I wish you a great day. (Love your blog!)

Wow… someone raised you right, you polite little thing. Bless your heart.

I’m probably the wrong person to ask, since I’ve personally made people wait years to see me, and will do so again. In general, when you know my face, you know you’re close… until then, you’re just a hopeful supplicant talking to the sky, one who knows not to expect symmetrical responses from above.

But what are you two doing? Are you in a relationship? You say you have a daddy… is that a pet name for a friend, or is it a description of his half of an established sexual/romantic relationship?

If you’re in a relationship and he won’t show you anything, then he feels there’s something amiss, and one of you will soon end it. Given that this may stem from insecurity, that sense of impending doom will be perpetual, and he’ll thus always be a faceless fascination.

Or he’s a married dad of three with his dick in his hand and no regard for your life beyond the confines of a screen. I’m placing no bets either way.

On the other hand, if he’s just a friend you’re calling daddy, let me ask you this: did you start revealing yourself with the understanding that it would be reciprocated? Or with the understanding that your revelations would be building toward his own over an indeterminate time?

If so, I can see where you’re coming from. His limit can be his limit, but you’ve got skin in the game, and deserved to know about that limit before you started peeling yourself for him. And I gather from your phrasing that he’s not particularly apologetic about this state of affairs, as I’d expect him to be if said limit were actually a surprise to him.

I’m not going to urge you to immediately bail on something you care about, but you need to have some long talks about trust, and find out if it’s even possible to earn his. (For the record, if he balks at the talks, then the answer is “no, it isn’t.”)

Best of luck, lovely person.